Personal Insurance
Personal Insurance covers individuals from financial loss that stems from death, injury, or loss of property. There are many different policies for individuals including but not limited to Boat, Homeowners, Renters, Auto, Flood, etc.
Please read your policy very carefully. Every company is different in regards to inclusions and exclusions. Know what your coverages and deductibles are and ask your agent or broker very specific questions.

Homeowner’s Insurance
This policy covers a persons primary, secondary or seasonal home from losses and damages arising from covered perils, i.e. wind, rain, fire, as well as liability claims if that coverage is on the policy.

Boat or Recreational Watercraft Insurance
This policy covers a person’s personal watercraft such as a boat or jet ski. The policy can include coverages for the boat, trailer, motor and personal items.

Builder’s Risk Insurance
This policy protects a person who is building a home. This is called “ground up construction”, when the bank requires the “homeowner” to purchase the policy. This would protect the homeowners from financial loss from a covered claim during construction. Once the home is completed, this policy would end and the homeowner would then purchase a homeowner’s policy.

Beach/Coastal Property Insurance
Beach/Coast insurance can be for primary, secondary, rentals and condos. Each policy is unique to the type of home it is, as well as the type of coverages needed. There are a lot of factors that play into what is the “right” policy. Factors such as how close to the ocean is, age, renovations, claims, and replacement “rebuild” value.

Rental Dwelling Insurance
This policy provides protection for landlords against financial losses from renting a house, apartment, condominium, townhome or loft to another person to be used as a home.

Personal Auto Insurance
The state requires you to have personal auto insurance if you own a vehicle. A policy has to have liability and uninsured motorist coverage. From there, a person can choose the level of liability they want as well as if they would like full coverage for their vehicle (comprehensive and collision) and other riders. If there is a loan on a vehicle, that institution will require that vehicle to have full coverage. Every insurance company has optional riders. This should be discussed in depth with your agent or broker to find what is best for you.

Dwelling Fire Insurance
Some homes may have aged out of being able to be on a standard homeowners policy. When this happens, these homes would then have to be on a Dwelling Fire 1, 2 or 3 policy based on renovations, upgrades, etc. The main upgrades are; roof, HVAC, plumbing, wiring, hot water heater, and windows.